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please read in this order:
When we sit back and watch the world suffer and do nothing about it, then we are contributors to the continuation of suffering. We must act if we are to make a difference in the world. We are part of the solution or we are part of the problem. Either you are contributing to creating a better world, or you are part of the mass, the problem, that those creators must resolve. Who do you decide to be?
We are currently operating in Mexico and in Spanish only. We have finished Stage I: 37 years of research and development; we have all the knowledge and the technology of application (BTT) tried and proven in ourselves and about 1000 graduates of our courses during the last 37 years, of which about 60 have reached Enlightenment. We understand and can transform a human being better than any system of psychology.
We are now ready to publish, to come out to the public in English and are also ready to begin work on writing and development of the Essentiality School of Enlightenment in English to be able to teach the millions of people around the world ready for Awakening. (The School in English will be translated to other languages as needed.)
We are publishing the first two books in English in 2019 and to open the School in English in 2021 with an Awakening Retreat. Essentiality is a large body of knowledge; it will take a dozen books to present it all. (Much of the information in this article comes from the first book.)
The School is a complete system for personal and spiritual development containing all the knowledge and processes you need to transform yourself from ordinary human being living in avidya and drama, to a powerful, wise, loving, enlightened and joyous spirit operating a body on earth and manifesting his desired life. The School has two levels:
#1- Human level: Psycanics . Contains knowledge and processes to awaken you to your innate power over your human life so you optimize mind, emotions, relationships, communication, work, health, money, success and can manifest what you wish to DO and HAVE. (You are the creator of your human life. In avidya, you believe the opposite and therefore fail to create what you want and you create a lot of negatives, of what you don’t want.)
#2- Your spiritual life: Essentiality . Once you have re-created your human existence as you would have it, those who choose can proceed to the processes for Enlightenment.
The Essentiality School for Enlightenment contains all the knowledge and processes that a human being needs to recreate his human life to achieve an Integrally Rich Life, which is positive results in all 12 areas of human experience.
Most of humanity is still trapped in avidya; most are not within reach of Awakening this lifetime; more will be with each new generation. We estimate that about 5% of humanity is now ,or will be, ready to Awaken in the next 10 years; that is about 350,000,000 people worldwide. If only 5% of those come to this particular School, that is 17, 000,000 people. So you can see that we need LOTs of help. Fortunately, we only need about 3% of the world’s population to Awaken to reach critical mass so that awareness of Awakening propagates through the ONE Consciousness that we are. In a few generations, Awakening and Enlightenment will become a dominant paradigm and activity on the planet with people beginning in childhood. The ultimate success of our endeavor is assured because we work directly for Essence; all our information comes from Her and She says it is time for this evolution of spirituality on the planet; that if we do not Awaken and change our ways to Love and Unity, we will destroy ourselves.
#1- Become enlightened yourself. As you go about your life, your light and example will shine out into the world. Others will be attracted and ask you, “What are you taking? Explain what you can and then send them to the School. You will also be asked to give talks and even seminars.
#2 – People. We are mystics and philosophers, not business or technical people. We are investigators, scientists, content creators, teachers, and Being Transformation Technology pilots, not organizers and administrators. The goal is to create an online spiritual university with some events (retreats and seminars) in person. We have the content, the system of study, and the energy processing techniques. We need help with all aspects of a startup business: organization, administration, legal, finances and accounting, websites, web programmers, graphic design, online course creation support, student support, marketing, social media, YouTube channels, Patreon: everything. We need a director of grants to apply to foundations for funding. So we could use expertise in all of these areas and all other areas we are not even aware of yet. (We don’t know what we don’t know.)
#3 – We need pilots and teachers. (Pilots are persons highly trained in the Being Transformation Technology who guide others in the discreation of the human-illusion-generating energy shells so they Awaken.) These will require our training and all must be working on their own Enlightenment to be an example of Enlightenment and speak and teach with authority. If you are interested in a career working in scientific spirituality, consider this. We also plan on using AI for piloting BTT so we need AI experts.
#4 – Money. We need to pay all those people and buy equipment and services. Therefore, a good way to help for those who have more money than time would be with a donation to the
A – Psycanics Science Institute, Inc., our tax exempt 501(c)3 organization; or to
B – Reconexion Esencial, A. C our non-profit organization in Mexico.
(Donation receipts for tax deduction are available.)
None of us work for fame or wealth, so you can know your donation will go fully to this cause, and we handle everything transparently (our books are open). We estimate a cost of $1M USD dollars over the next 1 year to create the School in Spanish and $4M to do so in English (which is the base language for translation for the rest of the world). We only need this for start-up: once we are operating, we will be able to finance ourselves abundantly with our books, seminars, and retreats and the School. We can also accept loans, but obviously not investment capital; we are a non-profit and leaving the School to humanity. Our financial projections are more than adequate for loan repayment.
“Just about every great, brave, or beautiful thing in our culture was created by someone who didn’t do it for the money.”
-Seth Godin
#5- We will eventually need a base of operations in the US, a place to work from for the online part, and for students to come for live events (retreats, trainings, seminars, etc.) from all over the world: a campus, a ranch, an ashram, a conference or retreat center.
#6- If you are interested in personal and spiritual development, whether for the transformation of your human life or for your Enlightenment; for when the system is ready, you can register at our site so we can contact you when we open in English.
#7 – Finally: If you know of anyone who might be interested in these matters, would you please point him here?
Our first book in English will be ready in 2019. We plan to hold our first Awakening Retreat in English in 2020 or 2021 (depending on how much help we receive). In this 4 day event, the participant will experience his immortal Being and perceive and communicate with Essence and learn how the School works: he will Awaken.
“The problems of the world cannot possibly be solved by skeptics or cynics whose horizons are limited by the present realities. We need people who can dream of things that never were.”
– John F. Kennedy
We are going to transform the world by waking people up from their role of “human being” in the Dark Human Drama, to the EXPERIENCE they are immortal spiritual beings and part of the ONE CREATOR BEING whose nature is Wisdom, Power, Love and Joy. We then teach then how to recover their innate Divine Wisdom, Power, Love and Joy and to live their human life from that level of Being. We have a science with its technology of how to do this. We have done it for ourselves and many students in Mexico.
Once you live in this experience of Who You Really Are, your relationship with life changes from Game Conditions (obstacles, struggle, problems, conflicts, poor results, drama, pain and death) to immortality, creator, love for all, joy and abundance. You return from the “valley of sweat and tears” to the “garden of Eden”; from Dark to Light . You move from competition to cooperation, from the never-ending search for more and more to sufficiency. You live in Love-Joy because you live in your spirit and feeling the ONE we all are.
As each person awakens and lives in enlightenment, they influence others around them (we are all more than connected; we are ONE and the same Consciousness). When approximately 3% of the population is enlightened, we will reach a critical mass of awareness that will cause it to spread rapidly to others. We estimate only 4 generations for this: 100 years at the outside. All sciences propagate very quickly because their results are palpable.
How much can you do or give to help and contribute to this legacy for humanity?
What we can do to thank people who contribute is:
$5 to $25: E copy of Book Essentiality 1:
$25 – 199 Hard copy of the book: Essentiality 2:
$200 – $999: Give a consultation designed to guide you to discreate any negative experience in your life with a teacher and pilot of the school who is advanced in his or her own enlightenment.
$1000 and more: Give a consultation with our principal researcher and teacher Mycal, an enlightened being, who can shine higher wisdom on any situation in your life.
Thank you for your attention.
Namasté from all of us.
(Namasté: Hindu greeting meaning: I honor the Divine in you, as She is in me.)