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Most people are not clear on what spirituality is. Many confuse it confuse it with religión, or spiritism, or astrology, or the supernatural and such things, or even with mysticism. Let us explain what spirituality is.
Your spirituality is your degree of Experience and of Expression of Essence (EEE). Essence, and therefore spirituality, has 13 Primordial Characteristics and 20+ secondary ones. The major ones are: Cause/Creator, Wisdom, Love, Humility, Peace, Compassion, Joy, and Abundance.
To the degree that you are feeling and living these Characteristics and treating others accordingly, you are being spiritual. To the degree that you are generating negative energy, harm or suffering for others, you are being anti-spiritual, aka evil.
Your level of spirituality determines the quality of your interior life and therefore your degree of happiness. You are happy to the degree you are spiritual = loving; you suffer to the degree you are doing negative, anti-love things.
Note that the Characteristics are also the components of happiness. Essence-Love-Joy is the only happiness that exists. You are happy to the degree that you recover your Essence.
Essence-Love is the only happiness that exists.
You are happy to the degree that you recover your Essence.
Your spirituality is your happiness;
your happiness comes from your spirituality.
You can also measure the spirituality of others by their degree of expression of the Characteristics of Essence. Many are the “false prophets” who preach (and profit) in the name of God, but who are neither examples nor sources of true spirituality. If you do not see humility, detachment from material things, responsibility, patience, compassion and all the other qualities of spirituality, beware. They cannot give you what they do not have. “By their fruits, you will know them.” –Jesus.
Your level of spirituality is your degree of Experience and Expression of Essence (EEE)
(Essence is Wisdom, Power, Unity, Perfection and Love-Joy: the Divinity).
Essence is the only real happiness that exists. Therefore, your spirituality is your happiness. You are happy to the degree you recover your Essence (Wisdom, Power, Unity, Love and Joy.)
The highest purpose of life and the path to ultimate happiness is working on
your Being to recover and then to ever expand your
EEE: Experience and Expression of Essence.
(Essentiality is a system for doing so.)
Note that true spirituality is irrelevant to religion. A person can be an atheist and be highly spiritual (always act with integrity and love); while a minister of a church operating in lies, greed and manipulation is acting anti-spiritually.
When sufficient people understand what True Spirituality is, and why it is the real value in life and that it is the only real happiness, and there are sufficient examples of true spirituality, only then will the Transformation of Consciousness occur.