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The previous is about the Transformation of Consciousness of an individual. Now we return to the Transformation of Consciousness of the world.
Life works according to the Causal Sequence of:
Notice that only your BEing is alive, is cause, is power, is creator. All the other aspects of life (emotions, mind, actions, results) are energies or things. They are always results of the Being, the only causal element in life. Your BEing creates your life, consciously or unconsciously, positively or negatively. The power of understanding this is that when you learn what your BEing is and how to control it and re-create it, all the rest of your life changes automatically to correspond with your new BEing.
● Negative states of BEing produce negative results in all arenas: Feel, Think, Do, Have.
● Positive states of BEing produce positive results in all arenas of life: Feel, Think, Do, Have.
This is just as true for the world as it is for any individual. To transform conditions on the planet, we must first transform BEing; of consciousness of who we are. This focus on being is what we have been talking about until now and what nobody has done so far.
There are many efforts to better conditions on the planet: all the programs of the UN, better education, teach better farming or cottage industries, fight global warming, eradicate poverty, etc. But notice that these are all about changing THINKing, or DOing, or HAVEing. None of them address the root element, the BEing of mankind. In order to truly, quickly, radically and permanently transform conditions on the planet, we must change BEing, the first element and only causal element in the Causal Sequence of Life.
Our external problems, conflicts and conditions are the reflection of our internal state of BEing. Negative internal states of BEing produce negative external results. (This is the Causal Sequence in action.) As long as we fail to change our negative internal states of BEing (anger, greed, aggression, divisions and us against them, egotism, egoism, prejudice, hate, greed, violence, etc.), they will continue to express themselves external as they do now across the planet.
“Problems cannot be solved in the level of consciousness
that created the problems.”
— Albert Einstein
Until now, nothing has worked to transform the human being and therefore conditions on the planet: not religions, not philosophies, not political systems, not economic systems. With the increase in population, decrease in resources, increase in environmental degradation, increase in divisions and conflicts and in our war and destructive technologies, we are approaching a critical point in human history. We either achieve a quantum jump in our level of consciousness or we are going to self-destruct civilization.
“That which cannot go on forever, won’t.”
– Herbert Stein, economist
“It is insanity to keep doing the same thing and expect better results.”
– Albert Einstein
“I know not with what weapons World War III will be fought, but World War IV will be fought with sticks and stones.”
– Albert Einstein.
“Mankind must put an end to war before war puts an end to mankind.”
– John F. Kennedy
Our values and behaviors come from our comprehension of Who We Are. When we think we are only human beings with only one lifetime, fighting to survive and then to get power, fame or fortune no matter how, we have these results:
● The ends justify the means: lie, cheat, steal, corruption, force, war.
● Power, to be obtained by any means, but used for me and mine.
● Political office for ego, personal advantage and wealth, versus as a sacred trust of others to use wisdom for the greater good.
● Money and profits at any cost, including pollution and destruction of the environment.
● Political lobbying for industry interests no matter the harm to others (e.g: alcohol, tobacco, processed foods).
● Negative ego and personal glorification; versus humility, altruism and love.
● Adulation of public figures (politicians, stars in sports or arts).
● Wealth for a few versus well-being for all
● Accumulation; versus sharing and distribution, and especially of education.
● Hoarding versus generosity.
● Use of threats, intimidation, force whenever we think we can get away with it politically. Armed conflicts and wars are ok, and good for business.
● Instant gratification versus discipline and what is best for the long term.
● Whatever is best for me and mine now; versus the greater good for the greater number for the long term.
● Good<>bad: attack and destroy the “bad.”
● Unsustainable environment practices and exhaustion of non-renewable resources.
Once a person is enlightened, their values and actions transform:
● Unity, as opposed to separation and division, us against them.
● Love: Acceptance and celebration of differences without losing our identity of One Being.
● Service to others is Love in action.
● Humility: No person or group is greater than another. We are all children of the same One.
● Equality: We are all equal children of Essence; Essence has no favorites.
● Wisdom-Love always seeks the Greater Good for the Greater Number for the Long Term.
● Government, leadership and power are trusts to administer for the Greater Good.
● Abundance: to have what you need without hoarding what you don’t.
● Assure necessities, including education, for all.
● Win-win negotiations when there are differences of opinion.
● Your work on yourself is the most important thing in life, and the origin of everything else in your life.
When we transcend our illusion of human being by WAKING UP to Who We Really Are, and the fact that existence is really SPIRITual, that we are all ONE, that LOVE is the foundation principle and the only real happiness, only then will our planetary Causal Sequence change so we always choose Love and thus produce Abundance, Harmony, Peace and Happiness.
The big question for each of us is, “Are we part of the solution, or are we part of the problem?”
On Awakening, you recuperate your True BEing: your experience of being an immortal spirit, part of and connected to the ONE and therefore to all others. You recover experience of your Essence, of BEing Wisdom, Power, Love and Joy. You awaken from avidya and therefore from Game Conditions and Drama. You become a conscious and deliberate manifestor of what you want, always acting in Love, in the consideration of the Whole that you are, of the Greater Good for the Great Number for the Long Term.
Enough people awakened (about 3% of the population) is sufficient to produce a critical mass of consciousness resulting in a chain reaction of the new consciousness spreading rapidly around the planet. (Note how the physical technologies spread around the planet in about 50 years (counting from 1900 to 1950).
Essentiality contains powerful, non-physical energy discreation technology that dissipates the shells of non-physical energy that block our perception of Essence and generate for us the illusion of human. There is no way to deny that it works and it works quickly to enable you to experience all that we say here. (See information on the Being Transformation Technology. )
Essentiality is a science of spirituality because it is provable, verifiable. It will do for spirituality what science has done for all our myths and superstitions about the physical world: dispel them. Myths and superstitions die off in the light of truth. Furthermore, because Essence is the Quantum Field of physics, and in Essentiality, we communicate with the Field, Essentiality will eventually unite spirituality with science in the long-sought UFTOE: Unified Field Theory of Everything. Humanity will unite under ONE, universal, worldwide philosophy of the true nature of existence, one that explains both physicality and spirituality.
As the news and reality of Awakening and Enlightenment spread around the world over the next 4 generations (100 years), it will become the dominant spiritual paradigm unifying and replacing the religions and transforming politics, eliminating division and separation and greed and hate among groups (nations, races, cultures, etc.)
When mankind knows through undeniable personal experience, not belief, that we are all ONE BEing, that we are all immortal Beings of Power and Love, Creators of our lives, no longer will we be able to do negative things to each other and the environment. When we all understand through our own interior experience that the true nature of life is spiritual, and that our spirituality is the only real happiness, then will we cease to be contra-spiritual (producing negative energy).
When we understand that every time we give negative energy (anti-love) to others, we are moving our own BEing down in the Polarity of BEing, further from Love and into more Darkness and pain, will we keep doing that to ourselves? When we understand that the Path back to Love-Joy and our Divinity is to always choose love and that contra-love is never justified (teachings of Jesus), can we continue to anti-love?
In Love, no longer will we be able to ignore the plights of other parts of our Self. Our values will transform from materiality to spirituality and we will transform life on earth from greed and conflict to Oneness, Love and Abundance for all, from the Valley of Sweat and Tears back to the Garden of Eden. Those who wish to do so will be able to leave samsara (human existence) permanently and return to the Cosmos for more new adventures. You are immortal; you have all Eternity to explore Infinity and nothing else to do.