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“Enlightenment” is a term that has been used by many people to mean many things. It is an attempt to translate Eastern religion terms such as: bodhi, kensho, satori, moksha, jnana and ushta, which have connotations of insight, awakening, understanding, and liberation. We now want to remove all vagueness from the term by defining it precisely.
You are enlightened when you are living in two experiences:
#1- You have transcended your experience (which is an illusion) that you are only a human being and have recovered your experience of yourself as an immortal spiritual being. You can feel your Self beyond of the physical universe (which is also an illusion) and outside of space and time. (Note: This is an experience, not an idea or intellectual understanding.)
#2- You can perceive and feel the One, the Creator, the Tao, the One Essence of all that is. You can communicate with Her. She has 13 Primordial Characteristics, among them, Oneness, Infinity, Wisdom, Perfection, Beauty, Love, Peace and Joy. You know beyond all doubt you have found Truth. You have returned Home.
Enlightenment has many secondary characteristics including:
● You understand how life really works. Human ideas and beliefs about life are mostly wrong, which is why people fail to produce their desired results, and why they have problems, conflicts and suffering. (These are not natural; they are result of ignorance of how life really works.)
● You are free of all the negative human emotions. You are beyond human pain and suffering. You live in eternity and in divine Love and Joy.
● You recover your innate, divine, creator power. By using your Divine will, you manifest what you want in life. You live in abundance and free of any desire to amass money or material things.
● You are free of the compulsions and obsessions of human beings with accumulation, hoarding, ostentation, one-up-man ship, glorification of the ego, success, power, fame, fortune; and of idolizing those who have these. You may choose to have them or not, but you do not need them for happiness.
● You are free of the External Quest for Happiness. You need nothing and nobody to be happy all the time no matter what occurs in the movie that is your life.
● Your mind is at peace. Your “crazy monkey” is gone. You live free of the judging, invalidation, polarization in good<>bad, criticism, comparisons, and jealousies that consume the mind of the human being.
● You are free of attachment. The arrival of anything “negative” to your life is no distress. The departure of anything “positive” to your life, including death of family, business failures, loss of money, is no pain or suffering. Life is a movie, a parade of experiences. You are not a human lost in the movie, but an immortal, spiritual observer of the plot.
● You know that we are all One and in One, there is no more or less. You are beyond the negative ego of more than<>less than; better than<>worse than. You are grounded in humility and the equality of all beings. Nobody can make you feel less, and you do not feel more or better than anyone else.
● You are transparent to the negative energies, slights and attacks of others. Negative energy flows through you meeting no resistance. You may respond, but you do not react. You live in serenity and peace.
You are free of all the baggage that a human being carries. You are free of the past: sorrow, regrets, resentments, failures, shame, guilt, and traumatic incidents. You are free of the future: of anxiety, worry and fear. You live in present time, in the Eternal Now
● Compassion and kindness. You see all your fellow spiritual beings lost in their human dramas. You understand how they are trapped in their victim and suffering–without getting caught up in their dramas. You can see exactly how they are creating their problems and conflicts; you know the solutions to their problems but respect their choice for drama and say nothing if they do not ask.
● Your relationships are loving and serene, free of all negative energy and conflicts. If you want a romantic relationship, you simply manifest it and it is always the ideal person for you at that period in your life (no drama about finding the “right” person). Likewise, if it is time to end a relationship, you do so in love and gratitude for the relationship.
● You as an Unenlightened Human Being (UHB) are living in Stage 2 of the Human Experience which is Drama. Drama is all the rich experience, mostly negative, that we savor during a movie or a game. Drama includes: suspense, surprise, shock, uncertainty, doubt, fear, anger, error, failure, problems, conflicts, guilt, regret, resentment, deception, betrayal, sadness, sorrow, loneliness, hate, depression—to name a few. Notice that you go to movies, and play or watch sports, to experience the drama, to feel all that they make you feel while watching them.
● Is your life dramatic? Is your life full of negative emotions, emotional pain? Is your life replete with problems, conflicts, errors and failures? Great! Drama is the purpose of life when you are in Stage 2. You are free to stay in Stage 2-Drama as long as you want.
● An Enlightened Being is beyond Game Conditions and Drama. He is a conscious Creator and Master of Life. In religious terms, he returns from the Valley of Sweat and Tears to the Garden of Paradise. The following table show the difference in the experience and life of a Spiritually Enlightened Being (SEB) compared to an ordinary human being (OHB) still asleep and living in Game Conditions and Drama.
● You will find many more characteristics of enlightenment in the book: Essentiality II: The Scientific, 5-Year System for Enlightenment).
The great question for your spirituality and for your happiness is: When do you want to awaken from UHB, from not knowing Who You Really Are, from drama, pain and suffering and advance to the 4th Stage of the Human Game: Enlightenment?
Enlightenment is to live on the positive side of life, in Wisdom-13, Power-13 and Love-13. It’s up to you.
We only show you how; we don’t make the decision of when you do it.